Pre-Baby Home Makeover: Must-Do Renovations for New Parents

Pre-baby Home Renovations
Creating a Baby-Ready Home: Renovations to Complete Before Delivery Day
When expecting a baby, it’s only natural to be too preoccupied with that and put some household chores and renovations on hold. With some, postponing them until after the baby’s already arrived might make perfect sense. However, you have to complete some home renovation projects before the baby arrives. Some should be finished as soon as possible since they’re loud and can disturb a baby. Others are convenient or important for a baby’s health and safety. Of course, not all of these tasks have to be finished by the parents, but they do have to get done. In the rest of this article, we’ll cover the essential home renovation projects to complete before the baby arrives.

Finish the Nursery

Here’s the one thing you shouldn’t postpone: preparing the nursery for the baby. While some parents choose to have the baby sleep in their room for the first few months, this should still be a top priority. Working on the nursery after your baby can be loud and distracting, not to mention all the dust damaging the infant’s health.
One thing about nursery renovation that’s important to consider is the storage space. When preparing this room, make enough storage space to store all baby-related items, clothes, and toys through the years.
Baby’s white bassinet in a nursery.
Finishing a nursery should be one of your biggest priorities before the baby arrives.

Refinish the Floors

Every house should have a floor that is safe and easy to clean, and this project must be completed before the infant is born. And if you’re not sure why, the reason is simple. The surfaces in the home have to be easy to clean because there will be accidents, bodily fluids, and stains everywhere. The floor will be where your kid spends most of their time as soon as they crawl. To avoid injuries, you also don’t want splinters and fractured boards.

Taking Care of Major Dangers by Baby-Proofing

You should continue baby-proofing as your child ages and do some parts before birth. That is because some projects are much easier to do before the baby is born. These projects should be your priority. They include removing some of the most significant hazards inside your home. For example, you must finish improvements to the drainage, roofing, wiring, and windows as soon as possible. Finally, ensure you add baby gates to all stairs and steps in your home and bumpers to sharp edges. That will help you get used to those contraptions before the baby crawls.
Aside from the nursery, you should finish those critical, potentially dangerous projects before the baby arrives.

Get Rid of The Mold

One of the most significant possible hazards to your baby can be mold. Check the entire home for mold before the infant arrives. You should eliminate even the tiniest traces of mold in the kitchen, bathroom, and basement because these areas are vulnerable to mold development. That is important because you don’t want germs that might give your infant allergies or respiratory problems. Instead, you should try your best to provide pure air for babies because they are delicate.

Setting up a Laundry Room

Before the birth of your new child, if you are fortunate enough to have a distinct laundry area, make it as functional as possible. You’ll use it a lot, we promise!
To avoid fire risks, you should upgrade your washer and dryer. Pick the ones with child-lock protections to prevent accidents. Alternatively, if you don’t believe you should replace them, have the vents and lines cleaned by an expert.
Moreover, set aside a space in your laundry room for folding and ironing, and ensure it is functional. Finally, similarly to the child lock on your washer and dryer, you should put a child lock system on the doors of cabinets and cupboards. That will stop your crawling toddler from getting into your detergents and other chemicals that can be dangerous to children.

The Outdoor Areas

The final thing on our list of home renovation projects to complete before the baby arrives is the backyard. When you have an infant, outdoor spaces that are currently challenging to keep will become a significant headache. Large lawns are ideal for bigger kids to play football and outdoor picnics in lovely weather. However, while your child is still a baby, mowing the grass thrice weekly during the summer won’t be feasible.
The same goes for large, overgrown plants, weeds growing between pavers, and other things requiring much care. If you want to leave the yard as-is but need assistance, think about employing a landscaper. Alternatively, remove any high upkeep areas in favor of potted plants, decking, and patios.
Standards book near an eraser.
There are many home renovation projects to complete before the baby arrives, so planning them is essential.

Moving With A Baby

It would be best to move to your new home before the baby arrives. However, that’s not always possible. If you must move with a newborn, ensure they stay out of the way. Either have one parent take care of the baby during the moving day or hire a babysitter to spend an entire day away from all the action. Alternatively, turn to skilled people who can pull off the whole long-distance move without you while you spend time with your newborn, away from all the chaos and mess.

Final Thoughts

You might be looking at your long list of home renovation projects to complete before the baby arrives and don’t know where to start. Don’t stress about it. Start from the loudest, messiest projects that would endanger the baby. Then, move on to the projects crucial for your baby’s everyday life, like setting up a nursery and baby-proofing your home. These are essential because they’ll directly impact the first few months of your child’s life. When all these projects are complete, you can relax knowing your baby is coming into a clean, safe home.
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